Der Audi A3 Sportback e-tron im Bloggertest: Eine Testfahrt mit Jens Stratmann
Während einer Testfahrt stellt der professionelle Autoblogger Jens Stratmann ( den Audi A3 Sportback e-tron vor.
Während einer Testfahrt stellt der professionelle Autoblogger Jens Stratmann ( den Audi A3 Sportback e-tron vor.
Im Rahmen der e-tron Probefahrten in Hamburg testen Interessenten den Audi A3 Sportback e-tron: auf Alltagstauglichkeit, Sportlichkeit und Fahrspaß.
Die Service- und Verkaufstrainerin der Audi Akademie Beatrice Sauter stellt ihre Expertise für eine Produktvorstellung in der Allianz Arena zur Verfügung und veranschaulicht die Vorzüge des Audi A3 Sportback e-tron.
Die Service- und Verkaufstrainerin der Audi Akademie Beatrice Sauter stellt ihre Expertise für eine Produktvorstellung in der Allianz Arena zur Verfügung und veranschaulicht die Vorzüge des Audi A3 Sportback e-tron.
Der neue TVC inszeniert die Fahrzeug-Highlights Performance, Reichweite und eine CO2-Emission, die aus dem perfekten Mix von Elektro- und Benzinmotor resultieren.
All conditions are perfect conditions. Welcome to the world of quattro®.
Streamlined, agile, innovative. See the new Audi A7 Sportback and S7 Sportback take on twisting mountain roads in this exhilarating video.
The Season of Audi Sales Event is here, which is why there are less people setting up Christmas decorations and doing their holiday shopping in malls, and more people coming to Audi than ever before. Visit your nearest Audi dealership to take advantage of exceptional offers today.
The Season of Audi Sales Event is here, which is why there are less people setting up Christmas decorations and doing their holiday shopping in malls, and more people coming to Audi than ever before. Visit your nearest Audi dealership to take advantage of exceptional offers today.
The Season of Audi Sales Event is here, which is why there are less people setting up Christmas decorations and doing their holiday shopping in malls, and more people coming to Audi than ever before. Visit your nearest Audi dealership to take advantage of exceptional offers today.
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